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简介描写人物的英语作文高中_描写人物的英语作文高中生       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我在“描写人物的英语作文高中”方面的经验。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起











       I admire Yang LiweiYang Liwei is great, is the touching story, the spirit of the people to praise, this is the pride of china.Manned space spirit is worth learning, special can endure hardship, to fight, to research, especially dedicated. Is the great people's praise, praise he is the pride of china. Because, he risked his life to study, to realize the flying Apsaras dream, for human progress and the spirit of selfless dedication.Of course, in this view, his performance is not very well known, but in a few years ago his achievement is inestimable. Now, the "Shenzhou", "Shenzhou" No. 6, No. 7 have been flying success, in the eyes of the Chinese scientific and technological progress is really great. For foreigners, China also is really remarkable, worthy of foreigners to praise the way China has not previously, China's development. Look at China's every kind of advanced weapons, advanced technology, the development of socialist productive forces, it is the progress of the times, but also the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, leading the Chinese people to go on the prosperity, the people be in power, become the real master.Yang Liwei deeds, is great. It is worth learning his spirit of the manned space flight, is not measurable by money. Because it means life and blood, means youth contribution. He before the flight, already wrote his will, because he knows, he will be very happy if successful, if you fail this is his dedication to the people, he knows life lies not in the length is dedication. This shows that Yang Liwei is a noble spirit quality.Life is happy. Life is full of happiness, people have their own occupation, no matter who, should understand that they have an inescapable responsibility on the shoulders, fighting to the end, is not important is not successful, you can examine oneself, feeling no shame to say that I try.


       My Favourite Teacher

       Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.

       She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

       She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happ y. We all love her very much.

       This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?







       My grandfather(我的姥爷)

       1. My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

       2. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

       3. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.

       1. 姥爷很疼爱我.”他也非常喜欢我,把我视为掌上明珠.但一说到学习,他就对我极其严厉.每天他都要花一个多小时检查我的作业.在他的帮助下,我的学习一直非常好.

       2. 姥爷对邻居也很热心,他总是乐于助人.一天,邻家的女孩不慎伤了腿,姥爷马上带她去医院,并用自己的积蓄帮她支付药费.

       3. 姥爷是一个热心随和的人.现在他和我阿姨住在另一个城市.我们都很想他,我希望不久就能见到他.



































































































































































































































































































       Introduce the person介绍人物

        I want to introduce one person names Jia Li.我想要介绍一个人名叫丽佳.She was beautiful,kindly,and easy going guy.她长得动人,性格和善,并且为人很容易沟通.She always smile,very independent,like dogs and cats.她总是微笑的面对每一个人,非常独立,喜欢狗和猫猫.She likes language very much,like English,spanish,germany,franch,italian and so on.她非常喜欢语言,她还喜欢英语,西班牙语,德语,法语,意大利语等等.She always like play joke with her friends.She is a single,active person.She mastered of the painting,and cooking,她总是和朋友们开玩笑.并且她单身哦,也是个很活泼的人.她精通画画和烹饪.she is a sunny girl,and she likes flowers她是个阳光女孩,并且喜欢花花草草.Some boys like her,but she just want to the best of herself.一些男孩子们喜欢她,但是,她只想做最好的自己.She prayed for everyone to believe the god,she's belife was go to the heaven.她祷告能够让每个人都信靠与上帝,她相信她死后将会去天堂.She is a christian.她是基督徒.And she also is a talktive person.并且她也是个话多的人.She believed the god will give her the best for everything,love,family and job.她相信上帝将会使她在每一件事情上面受益,比如爱情,家庭和工作.She will love one person forever,this person was from to the god.她想将来的她将会永远只爱一个男人,这个男人是从上帝给她的.She also like children very much.她也非常的喜欢小孩子.



       The person I admire is my mum. She is an English teacher. She is very popular among the students because she spends lots of time on her lessons and has a good sense of humor. Students all enjoy her class. My mum is not only a good teacher, but also a great mother. She is patient with me and always smiling while talking.


       My mum teaches me how to think independently and helps me to build up my confidence. When I have some difficulties in my studies, it is my mum who encourages me to work until I solve the problem. When Im feeling sad or bad, it is also my mum who looks after me with care.


       I remember when I caught a fever at midnight last year, my mum took me to the hospital as fast as she could. When we got home after my injection, it was about 5 oclock in the early morning.


       My mum only slept 2 hours because she had to wake up at 7 oclock to prepare breakfast for me, and then she went to work. She must be very tired that day.


英语作文 关于人物的 要描写他的外貌 还有他的故事 100字左右 要精练 写得好的 加分

       1. 一篇人物描写的英语作文

        Nelson Mandela was the first African president of South Africa. He was the man who gained independance of Africans in South Africa and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He was kept in prison for 27 years for fighting for rights of Africans.


2. 求一篇描写人物的英语作文(带翻译)

        My Favourite Teacher

        Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.

        She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.


        She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happ y. We all love her very much.

        This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?






3. 写一篇关于人物介绍的英语作文.根据以下有关Leo的个人情况介绍,以

        LEO SMITH 是我最好的朋友和同学.现在让我向大家介绍一下.他和我一样大,今年已经15岁了.他是外国人.他来自美国.所以他的英语特棒.真羡慕他!除了英语,他最喜欢美术和体育了.而且他学得很好.在上学的时候,他常常去游泳和working.而在星期六的时候他就开派对,在星期天的时候,他就习惯一个人在家看电视了.哈哈!他挺幽默的,常常都我们笑个不停,这就是了哦Leo Smith.LEO SMITH is my best friend and clas *** ate.Let me introduce to you.He,has been 15 years old.me ,too.He is a foreigner.He came from America .So he's English wonderfully.I really envy him!In addition to English,his favorite art and sport of.And he learned well.In school,he often went swimming and working.In Saturday when he was a party,in the Sunday,he got used to a person at home watching TV.Haha!He is kind of humorous,and often let we laugh,this is Leo Smith.。

4. 写一篇描写人物的英语作文(高中水平)急

        In my memory, the person who has left me the deepest impression is my father, who works as a teacher in a school.

        He loves his job and enjoys being with his students. Whenever his students ask him for help, he will lend his hand to them. He may chat with them for one or o hours to get rid of their worry. He may buy some books for those who don't have time or don't know what to buy. Besides, he is an experienced teacher who'd like to share his knowledge and experience with his workmates. One sentence he often says is that helping a teacher means helping a lot of students.

        I respect and love my father from the bottom of my heart. He has set a good example to me.


5. 求一篇描写人物的英语作文(带翻译)

        themid-autumnfestivalthemid-autumnisaveryimportantchinesefestival.itfallsonthe15thdayofaugust.afewday *** eforethefestival,everyoneinthefamilywillhelptomakethehousecleanandbeautiful.lanternswillbehunginfrontofthehouse.ontheeveningtherewillbeabigfamilydinner.peoplewhoworkfarawayfromtheirhomeswilltrytoebackfortheunion.afterdinner,peoplewilllightthelanternswhichareusuallyredandround.childrenwillplaywiththeirowntoylanternshappily.atnightthemoonisusuallyroundandbright.peoplecanenjoythemoonwhileeatingmoon-cakeswhicharethespecialfoodforthisfestival.theycanlookbackonthepastandlookforwardtothefuturetogether.itissaidthattherewasadragoninthesky.thedragonwantedtoswallowupthemoon.toprotectthefrightenthedragonaway.中秋节中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号。





6. 需一篇英语小作文,描写人物的、、

        My mother is a housewife and good mother. She has medium height .and beautiful face. She is a generous, good natured and warm-hearted woman.

        She likes watch TV. My mother and I like to visit relatives together. Sometimes we go shopping together.

        When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don't matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best and keep going”.





7. 帮写一篇关于人物描写的英语作文,拜托了

        [描写人物的英语作文]My mother is an ordinary woman,who is 1.58 meters tall.With kind appearance and good manners,you will feel that she is very amiable and noble if you meet her.As far as I concerned,my mother is always helping our neighbours or strangers,which makes her gain good honors in our villages.Whenever somebody needs aids,she will give her hands as much as she can.One day I went back home to see my mother,but she wasn\'t in.After some inquiring ,I knew that my mother was looking after a child whose mother had to work.In my mother\'s oppions,only when the sorrounding enviornment is harmonious and people in the society help each other,we can live a happy life and work happily and effectively.My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it es to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies. My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings. My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk, mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school, mother\'s eyes still encouraged me. Once I failed my Chinese exam, my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and bee more independent, but whenever I e across setbacks, my mother\'s eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.。

8. 求一篇描写人物的大学英语作文.

        Wang Nan-World Champion in Ping pong

        Wang Nan, a world champion in Ping Pong, is 1.62 meter tall with the weight of 54 kilograms. She was born in Loaning Province in October 1978. She began to play ping pong at the age of seven. She worked in Loaning Team for three years before she came to the national team in 1993. She trained hard and got along well with her teammates. Wang Nan has won scores of gold medals in international table-tennis games and won great honor for our motherland. She likes going on the and she enjoys chatting with friends through the Inter. You can find more information about her at Wangnan@wang-nan .

       My grandfather is very kind to me. He loves me very much. I am the apple of his eye, but when it comes to my study he is very strict. Every day he spends more than one hour examining my homework. With his help, I have been doing well in my studies.

        My grandfather is also warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took the girl to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

        My grandfather is a kind and easy-going man, but now he is living in another city with my aunt. We all miss him very much and I hope that I can go to visit him soon.




        My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

        He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill, he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

        Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day, a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

        Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.






       Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won two gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overcome many disadvantages. At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything.


        Deng Yaping, 28, is a world-famous woman player of table tennis.She comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4, she began to play ping-pong under her father's instructions. When she was 8 years old, she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another, including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games' Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only 1.5 meters in height, which is her disadvantage. However, she overcame it by hard work and perservance.Her success proves where there is a will, there is a way.



        My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she observed my mood, gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore, I could face difficulties.

        When I was a baby learning to walk, my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes smiled with praise. Later as I grew up, I met with more difficulties. But whenever I was frustrated, my mother's eyes always

       gave me hope and encouragement. Once I failed in exams, my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons. Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better. At last I overcame the difficulty. Now I have grown up and become more independent, but whenever I come across setbacks, my mother's eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.


