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简介1.关于电脑的英语作文2.铁路乘务员应该掌握的英语3.如何过英语4级4.请教:服装辅料英语5.英语单线本是什么样的7 Unbalanced Faults不平衡故障A very common lication of symmetrical components is in calculating currents arising from unblanced short circuits. For
7 Unbalanced Faults
A very common lication of symmetrical components is in calculating currents arising from unblanced short circuits. For three-phase systems, the possible unbalanced faults
1. Single line-ground,
2. Double line-ground,
3. Line-line.
These are considered separately.
7.1 Single Line-To-Ground Fault
The situation is as shown in Figure 10
The system in this case consists of networks connected to the line on which
the fault occurs.
The point of fault itself consists of a set of terminals (which we might call “a,b,c”).The fault sets,
at this point on the system:
故障点本身由一套端子组成(可以称为a, b, c);故障在系统该点设置:
Computers,great revolution
Since the first computer of our country was made in 1958,computer science has been developing rapidly,bringing great changs in our life.Now computers he been in thousands of families and become part of our daily life.Computers can do many things for us,we can read news,get information we need,se our files,play games.We can also chat online with people all over the world,watch the movies,listen to music over the Internet.In addition,computers can do some comlex work,such as CAD and CAM.In industry,computer can he a wider use,like the control systems,communication systems and so on.
There is no dou that with development of computer science,computers will play a more and more important role in our life in the coming days.
1.how to use computers
I'll tell you how to use computers in our daily lives.
Most of us use computers to search for more information about the interesting problems on the textbooks, about Iraqi wars and about Oscar. Some of us use computers to do some drawings, to make up interesting flashes. And some of us use them to play games. If we are tired and want to take a short rest, playing games for a while is OK. But it’s forbidden that we spend hours and hours on the games. There is also someone using computers to talk with people in the Internet and even falling in love with him or her. The Internet is not a real world and we can’t tell lies from truths. So falling in love with somebody on the Internet is not safe and is bad for our study. We should keep ourselves out of it.
2.The Computer and I
The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution. Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists he made it more sophisticated and accordingly more useful. As is generally known, the computer can do a wide range of work, including complex computation and analyses. People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing. An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful. There is, however, one thing which we should bear in mind: that the computer cannot think but man can. So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection. A computer age is not a pipe dream and there will come a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine.
3.Computers'advantages and disadvantages
Computers is a necessity in all walk of life. One can find computer everywhere. Therefore it is also a necessary for a high student to own one. He or she could surf the Internet to find all kinds of information that he might need in school. He can broaden his knowledge through surfing the Internet. On the other hand, he could be indulging in the games and vice movies too. Therefore, if the parents allow their children to access the Internet. It is their responsibility to supervise their children. Computer can be helpful, provided the high student knows how to allocate his time properly.
Our train will arrive at Beijing Railway Station at 18:27.
Our restaurant opens at 6:00pm for supper.
Our next stop will be Lanzhou Station.Please prepare yourself for getting off the train.
The destination will be reached in about twenty minutes.
Our train currently trels at 90 kilometres an hour.
The restaurant is No 8 carriage in the middle of the train.
The toilets are ailable only when the train is trelling.
The bus system and train system are really good.
A So the traffic situation in London is a little better than in Beijing?
A 这么说伦敦的交通比北京的状况要好一些了?
B Yes, it is better. London has a bigger underground, or metro system.
B 是的,好一些。伦敦的地铁系统要大一些。
A That must help. Less people in cars.
A 那会缓解交通问题。开车的人少了。
B Yes. And the bus system and train system are really good.
B 是的。公共交通系统和铁路系统非常发达。
A So I guess you he fewer cars, less traffic . . . and less pollution than Beijing.
A 所以我想你们的私家车少,车辆少…污染比北京小。
B Yes. I think Beijing needs more buses, trains and metro trains.
B 是的。我想北京需要更多的公共汽车、火车和地铁。
Notes 注释
1 Remember you can use comparative adjectives to compare things, e.g. The traffic situation is better in London than in Beijing. / The traffic situation is better in London than in Beijing; London has a bigger metro system. / London has a bigger metro system; You he fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution. / You he fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution.
记住你怎样用形容词的比较级比较不同的事物,例如:The traffic situation is better in London than Beijing /伦敦的交通状况要比北京好一些; London has a bigger metro system. /伦敦的地铁系统要大一些; You he fewer cars, less traffic and less pollution. /你们的私家车少,车辆少,污染小。
2 When you want to describe a need, use need/need or needs/needs, e.g. Beijing needs more buses and trains. / Beijing needs more buses and trains.
当你想描述某种需要时,用need/需要 或者 needs/需要,例如:Beijing needs more buses and trains. /北京需要更多的公共汽车和火车。
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路
mine railway 矿区铁路
funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路
light railway line 轻便铁道
urban railway 市区铁路
railway network 铁路网
railway transport 铁路运输
trial run 试车
open to traffic 通车
porter 搬运工人
ticket inspector 查票员
ticket 车票
single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票
return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票
platform ticket 站台票
railway station 车站
station hall 车站大厅
information desk 服务台
waiting room 候车室
passenger station 客车站
time-table 时刻表
arrival time-table 到站时刻表
departure time-table 发车时刻表
ticket-collector, gateman 收票员
ticket office, booking office 售票处
junction 枢纽站
rail and water terminal 水陆联运站
platform bridge 天桥
luggage barrow 推行李车
enquiry office, information desk 问讯处
way station 小站
label 行李标签
luggage office 行李房
left-luggage office 行李暂存处
platform-ticket 验票口
barrier 栅栏门
platform 站台
(electric) platform truck 站台车
platform tunnel 站台地道
platform roofing 站台顶棚
station-master 站长
terminal; terminus 终点站
escalator 自动扶梯
The train lees the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站
to he one's ticket punched (给检票员)检票
10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟
to change trains at... 在(某地)换车
The train is due at... 在(某时)到达
to break the journey 中途下车
dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车
pantry 餐车食品室
open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车
carriage, , car 车厢
roof 车顶
concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷
step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板
gangway (车厢的)通道
lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒
tank wagon 罐车
mixed train 混合列车
freight train, goods train 货物列车
engine, locomotive 机车
window seat 靠窗座位
, passenger train 客车
express train, express 快车
refrigerator wagon 冷藏车
car attendant; train attendant 列车员
guard, conductor 列车长
slow train, way train 慢车
covered wagon van, box car 棚车
ordinary train 普通列车
sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车
up train 上行车
livestock wagon 牲畜车
sleeping car, sleeper 卧车
down train 下行车
luggage van, baggage car 行李车
rack, baggage rack 行李架
sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车
ordinary seat 硬席
carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车
mail car 邮政车
mail and luggage van 邮政行李车
through train 直达车
special train 专车
pointsman, switchman 道岔工人
signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号
semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号
warehouse 仓库
siding, sidetrack 侧线,旁轨
turnout 岔道
weighing machine 秤重机
derailing (火车)出轨
single line (track) rail 单线
points, switches 道岔
switch lock, point lock 道岔锁
wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)
marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场
dispatching 调度
dispatcher 调度员
crossover 渡线,转线轨道
rail 钢轨
track 轨道
sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕
rail chair 轨座
buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩
goods shed, freight depot 货棚
goods station 货运站,货站
container 集装箱
locomotive (engine) shed 机车库
station warning sign 进站预告标
clearance 净空
(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥
barrier (道口)拦路木
section 路段
reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)
bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标
platform car, flat car 平车
grade crossing, level crossing (道路与铁路的)平面交叉
track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机
double line (track) rail 双线
volume of railway freight 铁路货运量
railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线
railway warning sign 铁路警告标志
railway clearance 铁路净空
railroad bed 铁路路基
railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)
railway tunnel 铁路隧道
railway line, railroad line 铁路线
stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)
danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)
unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口
signal light (lamp) 信号灯
signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房
signalman 信号员
wing rail (of frog) 翼轨
distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机
back-turning section 折返段
frog 辙叉,岔心
turn-table 车台,旋车盘
point (box), switch (box) 转辙器
switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号
一. 听力
比如说and the a of 这些词音很弱,难听出。但是一定要逼自己下一次听出来。
不妨在每一次听之前,先温习一下上一次的错误。(一般and 在口语中只发n就行了)
推荐 fm91.5 每天晚上11点(有点晚)learning pub 轻松学吧。最好准备小本本和笔记一些有用的表达方法。
二. 词汇
做十年真题词汇这部分就做到吐血吧,做多了就会发现很多词组和词汇辨析都是考完了考,没有新鲜的。比如说he access to ; transform ,transfer ,transmission, transport
推荐 21世纪英文报。每周三出版,两元。
平常多和自己用英文自言自语。一开始会很不适应,而且有很多都不知如何表达,那就请你准备个小本本,把不会的中文句子记下来,然后问老师,问同学,翻书查字典,把他们找出来。然后多说几遍。别偷懒阿!一开始不要管是对是错,只管乱说!乱说就管事! 过了一段时间后,你觉得不能乱说了,而且从新概念上呀,四级真题的词汇上呀,你摘抄的错题呀,轻松学吧呀,报纸呀,从这些上面学到的一些东东,一些表达方法。然后你就把他们用出来。这样就会地道些。 最后又过了一大段时间,再去管那个一直让你头疼的语法。每次说之前,下意识地注意一下,马上就会见成效!!!
6片裙 6 panel skirt
J型袋 Jshaped pkt.
T恤衫 T-shirt/Tee shirt
阿巴丁布 Aberdeen
按钮,按扣 snap
暗袋 hided jet pkt.
暗线 blind stitch
巴拿马薄呢 panama
白底上有白花样 white on white
百分比 percentage
摆平服装 lay garment flat
板房 sample room
半合并部分 semi-assembling section
半制品 work-in-process/WIP
包边的 bound
包边压靴 hemming foot
包缝 overlock
包缝 over-lock/serge
包缝 OVRLK./over-lock
包缝缝型 wrap-seam
包缝机 overlock machine
包缝线迹 over-lock stitch
包裹 wrap
包括 INCL./including
包头钉 rivet
包装 package/pkg.
包装 packing/package
包装表 packing list
包装单 packing list
包装方法 packing method
暴光的,暴露的 exposed
爆口 seam broken
绷缝线步 covering stitch
比尺 guide
哔叽呢 serge
边脚 corner
边脚处理 edge-finishes
扁装 flat package
便装 casual wear
变形 distortion
变形纱 textured yarn
变性腈纶 modacrylic
表袋 coin/cash pkt.
丙纶 polypropylene
并线,双线 duoubling
波浪,卷曲 crimp
波浪纹线步 wy stitches
玻璃纤维 glass fibre
驳线 over-ling stitch
不成一直线 misaligned
不对称 asymmetric
不对称 asymmetric
不翻边裤脚 cuff-less bottom
不规则的,不整齐的 irregular
不均匀 uneven
不均匀边脚 uneven hem
不均匀染色 uneven dyeing
不牢的缝骨 weak seam
不牢固 insecure
不配合 mismatch
不正确 incorrect
布板 fabric swatch
布边 selvedge
布封 fabric width
布料 FAB./fabric
布料疵点 fabric defects
布料结构 fabric construction
布料瑕疵 fabric flaws
布纹歪斜 off grain
部件遗失 missing parts
材料,物料 material
裁剪工 cutter
裁绒 tufting
购 purchase
参考 Ref./reference
参考编号 Ref. No.
仓管员 warehouse keeper
仓库 warehouse
操作员 operator
侧缝骨 side-seam
侧骨,外缝 out-seam /side seam
侧口袋 side-seam pkt.
侧唛 side mark
叉位 vent
查货报告 inspection report
长度 L./length
长袍 robes
长袜 stockings
长纤丝 filament
厂房 plant
超出松容位 out of tolerance
超时,加班 extra hours
超时工作 overtime work
超越,胜过 exceed
车缝 sewing
车缝顺序 sewing sequence
车脚,还脚 hemming
车衣脚 sew hem / hemming
陈列室 showroom
衬/朴 interlining
衬衫 shirt
成本单 cost sheet
成分商标 content label
成分商标,成分唛 content label
成衣 garment
成衣公司 arel company
成衣结构 garment construction
成衣习训室 garment workshop
成衣洗水 garment wash
成衣洗水 garment wash
尺寸 measurement
尺寸 measurement/meas.
尺码编号 Spec. No.
尺码表 size chart
尺码表 measurement chart
尺码表 size specification/size spec.
尺码范围 size range
尺码范围 size range
尺码分配 size assortment
尺码分配 size assortment
尺码唛 size label
出货数量 shipping Qty.
出口 export
初版 initial sample
除去皱褶 free of wrinkles
处理,执手 handling
穿带孔,扣眼 eyelet
传统的 traditionally
传统男衬衫 dress shirt
船货 cargo
船头板 shipment sample
船务部 shipping department
船务公司 shipping company
船务文件 shipping document
垂直的 vertical
纯丝 pure silk
刺绣 Emb./embroidery
粗纺 woolen
粗纺羊毛 woolen
粗纱 thick yarn
粗梳 carded
醋 vinegar
醋,人造丝 cellulose ester
醋酸纤维 acetate
错失 missing parts
错位 misplace
错误连接 incorrect link
打结机,打枣车 bartacker
打卡钟 timer
打扣眼 button-holing
打线结 thread tacking
打枣,套结 bartack
打褶 pleating
打褶,打裥 fix pleats
大量生产 bulk production
大量生产 mass-producing
大烫,终烫 off-pressing
大皱边 ruffle
带条 tape
带条 stripe/tape
袋布 pocketing/pocket bag
袋布 pocketing
袋布深 pkt.-bag depth
袋衬,背带 bearer
袋盖 pkt. flap
袋盖 flap
袋卡 pkt. flasher
单股长丝 mono-filament
单价 unit price
单襟 single breasted
单码 solid size
单嵌线袋 single jetted pocket
单色 solid color
单线/单针 SNL/single thread
单针平车 flat m/c
单针平车 single needle lockstitch machine
单针线迹 single needle stitch
担保走货 letter of guarantee,L/G
旦尼尔(旦) denier
弹性纤维 elastomer
弹袖 wadding
蛋白质 protein
刀口,刻口,扼位 notch
倒转 up side down
到岸价 C.I.F./cost,insurance,freight
灯心绒 corduroy
涤棉混纺织物 polyester/cotton
底层布料 ply stratum
底领,领里 under collar
底面领 top & under collar
底袖,小袖 under sleeve
地毯 carpet
地毯 rugs
典型的方法 typical method
电传 telex
电脑牌 kim-ball
垫肩 shoulder pad
垫肩 shoulder pad
吊牌 hang-tag
吊牌 hang-tag
吊牌 hang tag
钉纽机 button sewer
镀黄铜的 brass coating
短裤 shorts
短数/少出货 short-ship
短纤丝 staple
断经 broken end/warp
断纱 broken yarn
断纬 broken pick/weft
断线 broken stitching
断针 broken needle
对称线迹 counter stitch
多股长丝 multi-filament
多股纱 multiply yarn
法兰绒 flannel
帆布 duck
帆布,马尾衬 canvas
翻贴边裤脚 cuffed bottom hem
反领机 collar turner
反领机 collar pressing & turning machine
反领线,反襟线 break line / fold line
反面 wrong side/W.S.
反面,倒转 reverse
反袖口机 cuff turning & pressing machine
方角袋 square shaped pkt.
方平织物 hopsack
防虫加工 moth resistant finish
防臭加工 odorless&perfumed finish
防汗加工 perspiration resistant finish
防火布 flameproof fabric
防火测试 flammability test
防静电加工 antistatic finish
防霉加工 mildrew resistant finish
防水 water repellent
防水布 waterproof fabric
防缩加工 shrink-resistant/preshrunk finish
防透光加工 opaque finish
防褪色加工 atmospheric fading resistant finish
防绉加工 crease & wrinkly resistant finish
防蛀加工 antiseptic finish
仿天鹅绒 velve
纺成纱 spun yarn
纺纱 spinning
纺织 textile
放码,放样 grading
放松 relaxed
非纯白色,黄白色 off-white
非粘衬 non-fusible interlining
非织物 non-woven
非织物 non-woven
费用 charge
分工序 operation break-down
风琴袋 bellows pocket
风琴褶 accordion
封口的 sealed
缝骨,止口 seam
缝骨袋 seam pocket
缝骨类型错误 wrong type seam
缝骨扭曲 seam twist
缝骨皱褶 seam pucker
缝肩线,纳膊 join shoulder seam
缝盘缝制 lingking & cup seaming
缝线 thread
缝线落坑 run off stitches
缝线张力 thread tension
缝制 sewing
服装产品 dress-goods
浮经 warp float
府绸,毛葛 poplin
辅料 trimmings
辅料 accessory/trimmings
付款方式 payment
附加的 additional
附件 attachment
干洗 dry-cleaned
钢质纤维 steel fibre
高度 H./height
高聚物 polymer
格子 checks
格子不均匀 uneven plaids
格子布 plaids
跟单员 merchandiser
工厂 manufacturer
工程部 engineering department
工票 work-ticket/cutting ticket
工序 op./operation
工序细分 operation break-down
工资卡 wage card
工字褶 box-pleat
供应商 supplier
供应商 supplier
固定 fix
固定款式服装 staple garment
固强度 tenacity
顾客 client
挂耳 hanger loop
挂面,襟贴 lapel
关税 customs fee
规格 specification
规则的 regular
柜台板,回板 counter sample
滚边的 piped
滚边器 binder
海军蓝 ny
海军蓝 ny
含水量 moisture
航行编号 sailing No.
合成纤维 synthetic
核准板,批板 roval sample
荷叶边 flounce
横裆 barre
横贴纸 inscription paper
后背宽 B.mid. arm-hole
后背宽 across back
后背宽 across back
后叉 back vent
后袋 back pkt.
后幅 back panel
后幅 back panel
后夹圈 back armhole
后浪 back rise
后浪 BR/back rise
后浪缝骨 seat-seam
后浪骨 seat seam
后领圈 back neck
后片 back part
后中 CB/C.B./center back
后中长 C/B length
厚绒针织布 terry knit
厚毯,小地毯 rug
滑移 slippage
还口 clean finish/turn finish
还口,锁边 serge
黄麻 jute
回针 back stitching
会计部门 account department
混纺纱 mixed yarn
混合纤维 blend fibre
混码 sized-multiple
活胸衬 floating chest piece
活褶 pleat/knife pleat
机械的 mechanical
机械结构 mechanism
机械设备 machinery
基本纸样 block pattern
缉边线 edge-stitched
缉面线 topstitching
稽查水平 audit level/Aud.L.
计件工 piecework
计件工资 piece rate
加工厂 source mill
夹克 jacket
夹克,上衣 jacket
夹圈 scye/armhole
价钱牌 price tag/ticket
缝 baste
缝,绷缝 basting
间边线 edge-stitching
间线 top-stitching
肩衬 shoulder piece
肩缝 shoulder seam
肩宽 across shoulder
肩宽 shoulder
肩宽,肩部 shoulder
肩斜 shoulder slope
剪线 trim
剪线 trimming
剪线刀 thread trimmer
检查 inspect
检查报告 audit report
检查员 inspector
交织 interlacing
胶袋 poly-bag
胶针 plastic pin
胶纸包 poly-warp
脚贴 hem facing
脚围 bottoms
接受 accept/Acc.
解决,溶解 solution
金属附件 metal-ware
金属纤维 metal fibre
金属装饰品 metallic decoration
进口 import
经编针织 warp-knitting
经认可的签名 authorized signature
经条灯心绒 bedford cord.
经向缎纹/色丁 satin
经织弹簧针织布 tricot
经织舌针布 raschel
腈纶 acrylic
精纺 worsted
精纺羊毛 worsted
精梳 combed
精致的 delicate
净色,单色 solid color
净重 NT.WT./N.W.
旧式的,古代的 antique
Theout-come / earance of the frills of sealing sample is not ccceptable, it looks very flat / dead, must be more balanced / natural look as standard sample DD 28.8.02.前中荷叶边太死太平,不够生动,请以2002年8月28日的办做标准。
Sort out the major material defects.挑出严重布疵。
Take care for trimming + cleaning.留意剪线和清洁。
Stringholes from plastic string ( for washing ) at pocket flap visible, must be removed.袋盖上有洗水时打的洞,请消除。
Front horizontal seam not leveled.前幅横骨不对称。
Handfeel slightly softer than roved sample.手感比批办稍软。
Armhole pipping ( inside) 2mm more than sealing sample.夹圈滚条宽度比原办大了2mm。
Pls. add one more button for bigger sizes.请在大码的衣服上加多一颗钮扣。
Make sure inner facing is long enough in order to oid pulling at placket bottom.确保襟贴足够长以避免前襟起吊。
Pay attn. the workmanship of ironing, don’t press the seam too much and oid the seam allowance see through by hey pressing.注意烫工,骨位不要烫太重,避免缝骨止口起痕。
Center front collar not overlap but also not spray.领子前中不要重叠但也不要张开。
Bust dart seam allowance must be ironed upward.胸折止口要烫向上面。
Uneven width of top-stitches at closure edge.前襟边面线宽度不均匀。
Pls. add one more button for all sizes as the distance from hem is too big.请在所有尺码的衣服上加多一颗钮扣,因为离衫脚的距离太大。
Pls. fix pocket with movable stitches as sealing sample.请跟原办在口袋上车上(可拆去的)缝线。
The collar band must not visible at back when wear.衣服穿着时下级领不能外露。
Pls. make sure the collar are balanced on both sides.请确保领子两边对称。
Found 3 colors shade within 10 pcs!!十件衣服中有三种色差!!
3 different color lots in color beige compare to the roved swatch: 3/10 pcs darker, 4/10 pcs lighter, 3/10 as swatch.Beige色和色办相比有3种不同色差,其中3件偏深,4件偏浅,3件同色办。
Pay attention on the color, which within one garment must be in same color shade.注意颜色,一件衣服里不能有色差。
Due to the price reason, we accept this order with cutting both ways either in direction or against hair– but you he to make sure the fabric direction must be always same with one garment.因为价钱问题,我们接受这个订单的可以顺毛裁和逆毛裁,但一定要确保一件衣服内的所有裁片是同一毛向。(灯心绒衣服)Pls. cut all jackets against hair.所有夹克要逆毛裁。
Pls. close the pocket with several movable stitches ( must be not closed all, pls. lee 1cm at each side unstitching).请用在口袋上缝一段可拆除的线(一定不能全部缝合,两边要各留1cm不缝合)