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简介英语人物传记作文怎么写       在这个数字化的时代,英语人物传记作文怎么写的更新速度越来越快。今天,我将和大家分享关于英语人物传记作文怎么写的今日更新,让我们一起跟上时代的步伐。1.英语作文居里夫人的人物传记2.英语作文300











       Marie Curie (1867- 1934) who said, "Madame Curie," Full name: Maria Curie 斯克沃多夫斯 card. French famous Polish scientist, physicist, chemist. November 7, 1867 was born in Warsaw.

       In 1903, Pierre and Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel of radioactivity because the study shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 for his discovery of the elements polonium and radium Nobel Prize for chemistry once again, become the first won two Nobel Award of people. Marie Curie's accomplishments include creating a theory of radioactivity, radioisotope separation technology invention discovered two new elements polonium and radium. Under her guidance, people first radioisotopes used to treat cancer. Due to the long exposure to radioactive substances, Marie Curie on July 3, 1934 due to the death of malignant leukemia.  

       玛丽·居里(1867-1934年)世称“居里夫人”,全名:玛丽亚·斯克沃多夫斯卡·居里。 法国著名波兰裔科学家、物理学家、化学家。1867年11月7日生于华沙。



       He is legend

        Jeremy Lin from Taiwan, for a typical ABC ( 在美国出生的华人 ).On the season as a top four player, Jeremy Lin will bring to the hitherto unknown height of Harvard University, has made the school in NNAA(美国大学体育总会) history the most victory.

        After graduating from Harvard, Jeremy Lin took part in this year 's NBA draft, but fail in official nowhere, because the NBA player basically not Ivy League players have any hope.Don't give up the Jeremy Lin chose to represent the Mavericks in the NBA Summer League, and wizards champion John wall 's direct dialog, Jeremy Lin had13points and 4 rebounds, did not fall ahull, it gets people to sit up and take notice of him.

        On July 21, 2010, Chinese genius, Harvard Jeremy Lin successfully landing NBA. He and Jinzhou warriors reached an agreement, both sides signed a two-year basic salary contract. At this point, Jeremy Lin became the first Chinese American history of the NBA player. Believe that he in the next competition will be more luster.







       Let me move the historical figures I love reading, although I was a little girl, I love to see is a historical biography, so I moved there are many historical figures, a patriotic hero, inventor, poet and writer of them...... The deepest impression is uncle Lei Feng, because he is kind, honest and helpful, thrift did give me a deep impression. Uncle Lei Feng is an ordinary Chinese people's Liberation Army soldier, but he used a short life to help many people. He has always insisted on the "limited life, into the unlimited service for the people" as the goal of life. Once, Lei Feng went out to change in Shenyang station, a wicket, found that people around a middle-aged woman carrying a child, the women from Shandong District of Jilin to look at the husband, the ticket and the money lost. Lei Feng used his allowance to buy a train ticket to Jilin into the hands of sister-in-law, sister-in-law was full of tears. A resident of Fushun floods, transport links to the flood command, Lei Feng endured just participated in the fire burned hand pain and his comrades in the Temple Reservoir Dam spent seven days and nights, is recorded in a two. The deeds of Lei Feng. There are many learning... Uncle Lei Feng, we must learn from his study assiduously to the spirit of "nails"; learning his thrift good habits; he "serve the people wholeheartedly learning dimension", thanklessness, unknown to the public spirit of selfless dedication. As a primary school student, I want to start from the bit by bit, from the side to start, to give students a friendly smile, more difficult for people to lend a helping hand. Uncle Lei Feng's life, although very short, but issued a golden ray of light, warm the hearts of many people. Lei Feng spirit will always inspire me to move forward, the spirit of Lei Feng is always a model for us to learn.



       Do you know our English teacher?Look!There is a young man standing over there.He isn't tall,and looks very thin.Who is he?He is our English teacher.His name is Sun Feng.

       Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us.We all like him,because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English.


       Tu Youyou,a great scientist(身份),was born in Ningbo,Zhejiang Province(出生地).She is already more than eighty years old.(年龄)After she graduated,she has been working on medicine.She has collected and developped more than 2,000 traditional Chinese recipes(收集并研究了2000多种传统中药处方)All her projects were set in China.(她的研究都在国内开展) At that time,malaria is a deadly disease,which consumed the life of.Tu,together with her colleagues,devoted themselves to finding a cure for malaria.She finally found Artemisinin,which was effective to treat malaria.(发现了青蒿素,可以治愈疟疾)Millions of people around the world were saved because of her invention.(高分句型)(她的发现拯救了全世界几百万人的性命)Due to making such a great contribution to the world,she was awarded with the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with two other foreign scientists.(被授予2015诺贝尔医学奖)

        Tu was the first Chinese scientist who got the prize(高分句型).We are all proud of her.(高分句型)(评价)


       爱迪生(1847~1931)Edison,Thomas Alva

       美国发明家。以创办工厂实验室、开辟使技术开发与科学研究紧密结合的途径而名垂史册 。1847 年2月11日生于俄亥俄州的迈兰的一个荷兰移民家庭。1931年10月18日于新泽西州西奥兰治逝世 。幼时只受过3个月正规教育 。12岁起做过报童、小贩、报务员等以自谋生计。因受M.法拉第的影响,一生从事电学实验研究和发明。1868年他发明了一台选票记录仪想推销给国会,但没有被采用。爱迪生的第一项发明没有找到市场使他更注意发明的实用性。1869年,爱迪生由波士顿移居纽约。他改进了金指示器电报公司的电报机,得到公司经理的赏识 ,受聘月薪300美元( 这在当时是很高的月薪 )。1870 年 ,移居新泽西州 ,开始他的高效发明时期 。1874年改进了打字机 。1876年 ,给A.G.贝尔发明的电话加装了炭粒话筒,提高了受话的声响。

       1876年,创办了他著名的实验室。在这个实验室里,他 打破了以往科学家个人独自从事研究的传统,组织一批专门人才(包括N.特斯拉等人),由他出题目并分派任务,共同致力于一项发明 , 从而开创了 现代科学研究 的正确途径 。1877年,发明了留声机,这使他名扬四海。1878年,开始白炽灯的研究,在十几个月中经过多次失败后,于1879年10月21日成功地点亮了白炽炭丝灯,稳定地点亮了两整天。1882年,在纽约珍珠街创办世界第二座公用火电厂,建立起纽约市区电灯照明系统,成为现代电力系统的雏形。电照明的实现,不仅大大改善了人们生产劳动的条件,也预示着日常生活电气化时代即将到来。1883年,爱迪生在试验真空灯泡时,意外地发现冷、热电极间有电流通过。这种现象后来称为爱迪生效应,成为电子管和电子工业的基础。1887年,移居西奥兰治,并于同年在该市创建规模更大、装备也更新的实验室,即著名的爱迪生实验室(后人称之为发明工厂)。在这里,根据G.伊斯曼的发明,制作了自己的照相机。1914年 ,用留声机和照相机制成了最早的有声**系统。晚年,他的发明和革新包括蓄电池、水泥搅拌机、录音电话、双工式和多工式电报系统、铁路用制动器等。第一次世界大战期间,他任海军技术顾问委员会主席,指导鱼雷和反潜设备研究,发明了几十种武器。为此,美国政府于1920年授予他卓越服 务奖章 , 法国政府授 予他军团荣誉勋位 。1928年,美国国会授予他荣誉奖章。终其一生,爱迪生和他的实验室共获1093项发明专利权。爱迪生一生发明众多,但他毕竟缺乏系统的科学知识 ,因而对现代技术的发展不能作出正确判断。19世纪末,交流输电系统已经出现,但他仍坚持直流输电,并在与G.威斯汀豪斯发生的激烈竞争中丧失了承建尼亚加拉水电站的合同 ;他的实验室盲目试制磁力选矿设备,耗尽了发明电灯所得的资金,最后不得不放弃。但是,爱迪生在电力开发、电器制造推广电能应用等方面所作的贡献,使他成为人类历史上最伟大的发明家之一。

       Edison (1847~1931) Edison,Thomas Alva American inventor. To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered history. February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant family. October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in death. Produced only three months of formal education received. 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for themselves. Because M.

       Faraday effect in life science research experiments and inventions. In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been used. Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the invention. 1869, Edison moved to New York from Boston. He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary). 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention period. 1874 improved typewriters. 1876, to the latter.

       Bell invented the telephone with a carbon Reap route, and raised the words beep. 1876, founded his famous laboratory. In the laboratory, he broke the previous individual scientists to engage in research tradition, organized a group of professionals (including N.

       Tesla and others), and the subject of his assignment, a common commitment to the invention, thus creating the correct way to modern scientific research. 1877, invented gramophone, which makes him original. 1878, the study began incandescent lamp in the 10 months after many failures, October 21, 1879 in the successful location of incandescence light lights carbon silk, stable location between two days. 1882, in New York pearl Street Block communal fire was the world's second plant, built in New York Urban Electric lighting, a modern electricity system to take shape. Mar lighting achievement has not only greatly improved the working conditions of production, but also herald an era of daily life electrification forthcoming. 1883, Edison bulbs in a vacuum test, accidentally discovered the cold, there is a current hot electrode. This phenomenon was called the Edison effect, become electron tube and electronic industries. 1887, from Xiaolan government, and in the same year in a larger city, the laboratory equipment is also updated the famous Edison Laboratory (later known as the invention factory). Here, according to G.

       School invention, produced its own camera. 1914, by Gramophone and camera film produced by the first audio system. Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes. First World War, he served as Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment research, invented dozens of weapons. To this end, the United States government in 1920 conferred on him the Distinguished Services Medal serving, the French government awarded honorary medals to his Corps spaces. 1928, the United States Congress to grant him honorary medals. Throughout their entire life cycle, Edison and his laboratory received 1,093 patents for their invention. Edison invented many life, but he is after all a system of scientific knowledge, and thus to the development of modern technology can not make the right judgment. In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G.

       Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost Niagara hydropower project contracts;

       He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be abandoned. However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the world.




英语作文:My family

        There are three people in my family.They are my father,mother and I.We all feel happy at home.We love each other.

        My father is a teacher.He is tall and thin.He looks younger than he is.I think he is very handsome.He is strict with me,but he loves me alot.He works hard.I am very proud of him.

        My mother is a professor.She likes reading.She has long hair and a round face.She has two big eyes and a straight nose.She is a little fat,but beautiful.She takes care of me carefully.I love her very much.

Student Life(学生生活)

        Speaking of my student life,it's very interesting.Besides studying,we have many parties at our school for special festivals.Of course,we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day.I receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them.

        Although sometimes we have many exams in our student life,it can be good for us.Everyone hates exams,but it helps us realize how much we've learned from school.Just enjoy your student life.It goes by fast.

80词英语作文:My Idol(我的偶像)

        David Tao is my favorite pop singer who is good at R&B and rook music.He was born in Taiwan and living in America now.He speaks both English and Chinese well.I like his talent.Because he can not only sing good songs but also write beautiful compositions.He is a person of uncommon brilliance.I am sorrowful because he has a girlfriend whose name is Melody.But I will give them my best wishes.I will always support David Tao.






