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简介汶川地震英语作文素材_汶川地震英语作文素材高中       汶川地震英语作文素材一直是人们关注的焦点,而它的今日更新更是备受瞩目。今天,我将与大家分享关于汶川地震英语作文素材的最新动态,希望能为大家提供一些有用的信息。1.汶川地震英语作










       Since 12 May,2008 I've been watching everything concerning Sichuan earthquake with deep sorrow.It's one of the terrible disasters and tragedies in history.The dreadful number of deaths has been growing every day.We are unlucky because such a great misfortune happened to us,but we are lucky because after the earthquake numerous support and assistance e from the whole country and throughout the whole world.

        This is a battle against disasters joined by the whole country.In the battle we can only see the brilliant side of human beings.Numerous names like Tan Qianqiu should be loved and remembered forever.

        Besides donation and close attention,I can do nothing but pray for the victims,those who are still suffering from the great pains,those who lost their beloved ones,those who are sparing no pains searching for and rescuing people buried under ruins.

        Closing my eyes,crossing my fingers,I pray for the victims...

        May every blessing from here be sent to Sichuan to soothe their pains.

        Let the death rest in peace

        Let the living live stronge


       Rescues scene in Mianyang's, a school's main classroom building collapsed most, more than 100 children are pressed under. The soldiers already snatched several children and more than 30 corpses in the ruins. However in rescues the most essential time, the sudden classroom building's ruins occur once more collapse, enters the ruins to be equal to nearly again brings death. But several soldiers must drill toward, by now collapsed has occurred, that several the soldier who drills toward in is towed stubbornly immediately by other soldiers, a soldier knelt down has cried, human who to was towing him said that “you let me rescue one again, asked you to let me rescue one again! I can also rescue one again!”

       Yesterday noon, Pingwu County Nanba Town. The weather is getting more and more cloudy, is catching up with in Henan airborne troops some group political office Director Liu Meng and 70 officers and soldiers is putting up the account awning for the disaster victims, “certainly must before the heavy rain builds the account awning”. The time passed through 12 points, Liu had instructed fiercely the soldiers quickly eat dry rations, by now, touching appeared. before the 5 villagers and in two child hand carries the bowl to arrive at the troop. “People's Liberation Army comrade, eats the rice water! Rests, just boiled well, drinks before it's too late! Here also has the brined vegetable which we pickle!”A child treats the soldiers to shout. the soldiers knew at heart, because the transportation is inconvenient, the disaster area lives of the people condition is difficult, where also has the unnecessary grain? Bowl of are braving the steam rice water end to the soldier in front, a person has not drunk. “sister-in-law, we have eaten, the rice water you drink!”A soldier said. The villagers persuade repeatedly, but the soldiers insist on are not willing to meet the bowl. By now, entangled the bandage uncle carries the bowl to arrive at Liu fiercely directly front, the both legs one curved must kneel down, Liu Meng and several soldiers support hurriedly old person. Old person said: “if does not have you, my this already buried the old bones under the stone has been rotten, comrade, they listened to you, you first drank one!” the soldier on the scene has turned head not to endure to look that the tear spins in the eye socket. “good, drinks!”Liu carries fiercely old person in hand's bowl, min, then has passed to-duty platoon leader gently, platoon leader has drunk one, also gives the bowl a soldier. The bowl is transmitting in the soldiers hand, is similar to transmits the disaster area people boiling hot to feel grateful the heart to the People's Liberation Army. 3 hour later, the account awning put up completely finishes, after this troop set, withdrew from quietly. The soldiers shrivelled satchel flutters with the wind in the waist, the inside dry rations actually disappear without a trace. 5:00 pm, when after the populace move the income awning discovered that ground is putting foods neatly and so on pickled mustard tuber, ham intestines, instant noodles.


       Several days ago, there was a earthquake affected Ruchuan, Sichuan, China. And the resoult is thounsands people died from this earthquake, and now, the government is sending troops to that area to rescue those who servive, but yet, still stuck in the darkness. I saw many pictures about the situation there, many students died, a whole lot of died body, I cannot believe those are the student just like you and me, they were just like us, but now, a whole lot of corpses are stiring at me through the picture, telling me how they feel when they facing the death, and yell at me that they do not want to die, they are still young! Their city is distroied, but now, I am standing here, give you all the speech, this is such a easy work if compare to those who already died, I feel that I really is the lucky one, there is no earthquake here, I don't need to suffer in the dark, all my friend and my familly is all right, I'm still in good health, there really is nothing I can ask for more. I know we see a huge shadow in front of us, but I am not afried, because I know, and I can guarantee you that there is sunlight behind us, the sun, the hope, is still here, we already got everything we needed.


       A day after parents staged an impromptu rally in Mianzhu on Saturday, the Communist Party’s top local official, Jiang Guohua, came to plead with the protesters to not carry out their plan to march to Chengdu, the provincial capital, where they sought to prevail on higher-level authorities. Mr. Jiang, on his knees, failed to deter the parents, who shouted in his face and continued their march.

       Scientists in China and the U.S. have published new reports examining the possibility that a giant dam may have helped to trigger last May's massive earthquake in China's Sichuan province, renewing controversy over the devastation and other dam-building projects across China's earthquake-prone western regions.

       Evidence remains unclear on what effect the added pressure of water collected behind one dam would have on an earthquake of that size. The Zipingpu Dam is 5.5 kilometers away from the epicenter of the Sichuan quake, a 7.9 magnitude temblor. It killed about 80,000 people.

       The dam was built 500 meters from the earthquake's fault line. A research paper by a group of Chinese scientists concluded that the weight of collected water clearly affected seismic activity. 'It is worthwhile to further study if the effect played a role' in triggering the quake, according to an abstract of the paper published in the December issue of the Chinese Journal of Geology and Seismology.

       Separately, Christian Klose, a researcher at Columbia University, put the extra weight of water in the area at about 320 million tons, without mentioning the dam by name. He said it 'amplified the strain on the earth's crust' in a way that would alter the stresses below.

       In China, debate could have an impact on plans to build even more dams. A group of 62 Chinese environmentalists and scientists has already appealed for a moratorium on dam construction in the region pending further study of the risks. The government -- and some Chinese scientists -- has said there is no connection between the dam and the quake.

       Scientists discovered 10 years after the Hoover Dam was built in 1935 that its reservoir was increasing seismic activity. Since then, it has been well established that other human endeavors can set off powerful tremors beneath the earth's surface. These include coal mining, quarrying, oil drilling, and the injection of wastewater into the ground. Along China's Three Gorges Dam, officials acknowledge that seismic activity has increased slightly since the 400-mile reservoir began filling eight years ago.

       Proving that such projects cause large earthquakes is another matter. 'What was the rate of seismic activity in the area before the dam was built, and did that rate increase after the dam began to fill with water?' says Ross Stein, a geophysicist at the United States Geological Survey and member of a team that published a 'stress analysis' of the Sichuan quake. 'In the absence of that,' he adds, 'it's a very hard case to make.'


       Wenchuan earthquake since the founding of People's Republic of China since the greatest impact of an earthquake, magnitude since August 15, 1950 Medog Tibet earthquake (8.5) and in 2001 Alexander Kunlun earthquake (8.1) the third largest after the earthquake, a direct and serious disaster-stricken areas of 100 thousand square kilometers 汶川地震



       Nature cannot be overriden


       but the catastrophe of an earthquake brings us too much pain


       Never does life yield to diseases without an indomitable fight 对抗疾病,生命能够百般顽强

       but faced with the natural calamity, it appears so powerless without a struggle


       By a violent quake, in an instant, thousands upon thousands of lives were claimed


       Those we hold dear have reached a better place


       Leaving the survivors grief and agony that may haunt the rest of their lives


       Life is transient


       So be grateful for each new day


       Every day,


       every hour,


       and every minute is special;


       For you don't know whether it will be your last.



       The quake struck 57 miles (92km) north-west of Sichuan's provincial capital, Chengdu, at 1428 (0628 GMT).

       China's state-run Xinhua news agency said Premier Wen Jiabao was travelling to the area and troops were being sent to help with disaster relief efforts.

       Four children are reported to have died when two schools collapsed.

       More than 100 children were injured, Xinhua added, quoting the local government.

       Chengdu has a population of more than 10 million people. State television said the quake had not caused major damage to the city or to the nearby Three Gorges Dam.

       But workers were evacuated from swaying buildings in several cities.

       Tremors were felt as far afield as Beijing, the Thai capital, Bangkok, and Hanoi in Vietnam.

       Workers in the Chinese capital, Beijing - about 930 miles from Chengdu - said buildings shook for about two minutes.

       In the city's financial district, people poured out of buildings, but there were no visible signs of damage.

       'Continuous shaking'

       China's tallest building, the Jinmao Tower in Shanghai, was also evacuated after the earthquake, Reuters news agency said.

       In Chengdu, residents poured on to the streets.

       "We felt continuous shaking for about two or three minutes. All the people in our office are rushing downstairs," an office worker in Chengdu told Reuters.

       Telephone lines to the affected areas were jammed, reports said. The government was preparing to send rescue teams to the epicentre in Wenchuan County, state TV said.

       Earthquakes are common in China - in March a 7.2-magnitude quake struck in the western Xinjiang province.

       The area where Monday's earthquake struck lies on the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau and is thinly-populated.

       "Sichuan Earthquake 四川地震"

       Flags are flying at half-mast across China.

       China is coming to the end of an official period of mourning for those who died in last week’s earthquake. For three days, there have been no entertainment events and the government has suspended the Olympic torch relay.

       Chinese officials have said that the death toll from the catastrophe has now risen to over 41,000. Over 230,000 people were injured.

       Along with the many accounts of suffering and loss, there have been a few amazing stories of survival. Chinese news reported today that a woman in Hongbai has been rescued after being trapped in a tunnel for nine days. She has been taken to hospital and is expected to survive.

       However, hopes are quickly fading for those who remain trapped. According to the State Council over 32,000 people are missing in the quake area.

       The rescue workers'attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.

       But the relief operation has been hampered by a series of aftershocks, the strongest measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale.

       Chinese news reports say that mudslides have buried 200 relief workers in the past four days. There are also reports that thousands of residents have been evacuated from an area in Qingchuan county where large cracks have appeared in the top of a mountain.

       On Monday, tens of thousands of people rushed from their homes after the government warned of a possible major aftershock. They slept on the streets or drove to open ground.

       Persistent rain is compounding the misery for the homeless. The foreign ministry has appealed to the international community to provide tents for the five million people who have lost their homes.

       Yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao pledged to send 250,000 temporary housing units to the region by the end of June, and one million within three months.




       death toll死亡人数


       accounts (个人)陈述,解释

       hopes are quickly fading 希望渺茫

       recoveryof bodies 找回(遇难者)尸体




       Richter scale 里氏震级



       open ground 开阔地,露天地






       Premier Wen Jiabao, earthquake relief in the frontline commander-in-chief, a session of more than 60-year-old, aftershocks continue in the disaster scene to the spirit of ecstasy in the rubble piled up on the ruins of trouble, and even save people very anxious hands. Fall, climb up, injured his arm bleeding so doctors do not dress, but for a doctor to rescue injured victims. Ciqingcijing, how can we prevent it moving. If it is our own parents, sons and daughters of which it is not Jiuxin ? !

       From the disaster of the day, Premier Wen will be the first time in arriving in the area in temporary tents set up in command of the earthquake, relief, rescue. Be buried in the primary school next to the ruins, the Prime Minister with hoarse, choked words, to the ruins of the children propaganda. A reporter at the scene through QQ issued immediately report said: "over 60 of the Prime Minister has no way of the Kude." In fact, Premier Wen is not not strong, but the heart of the Prime Minister for immediate disaster and heartache, this is Love the people's good premier at this time reveal the truth.

       Where victims of the most dangerous situations where the most serious, Premier Wen Jiabao on command in trouble. We can see that in the most severe earthquake relief moment, of all rescue teams to overcome the difficult 1,000 million insurance, with the fastest speed and rushed to the disaster area, the earthquake has more than 60,000 people were rescued. We felt the earthquake relief is the courage, strength, hope for. The people across the country will not be deterred by this major disaster, there will not be immediate destroyed by the tragedy. We firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid earthquake relief will be a victory!
