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简介关于孔子的作文英语小学_关于孔子的英语作文200字       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“关于孔子的作文英语小学”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一起来学习一下吧。1.孔融让梨用英语写作文2.英语







5.英语作文50个单词关于 孔子



       1. 以《孔融让梨》为题,写一篇英语作文,60个词就可以,不用太复杂

        这是它的英文版,试着写吧 孔融让梨(How does Kongrong share the pears?) His name was Kongrong. He has five eldest brothers and a young brother. One day while they were eating pears at home, their brothers let him take it first, but Kongrong chose the *** allest one. His father was surprised and asked, “ Why did you take the *** allest one?” Kongrong answered, “ Because I am the youngest. The biggest one should be for the eldest one.” His father asked again, “But you have a younger brother. You are older than he.” Kongrong replied, “I am older than he, so I should leave the bigger one to my elder brother.” On hearing these words, his father was satisfied with his answer and *** iled happily. What a good boy Kongrong. 只能帮到这了。

2. 孔融让梨用英语来讲的故事

        孔融让梨用英语来讲:Confucius Rong was born in Qufu, Shandong Province in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was the 20th grandson of Confucius. His great-grandfather, Confucius Shang, served as Taishou, and his father was Confucius Zeus, the capital of Mount Taishan.Kong Rong biography records: when Kong Rong was four years old, he ate pear with his elder brother and always took *** all food. Someone asked him why he did it. He replied, "children should eat *** all ones if they have a *** all amount of food. " "Rongjiazhuan" in Li Xian's annotated "Houhanshu Kong Rongzhuan" records: "When Kong Rong was four years old, he ate pears with his brothers, and Kong Rong always took *** all food. An *** asked him why he did it. He replied, "I am young and have a *** all amount of food. I should take *** all ones according to reason. "Because Confucius Rong was so *** art and early, he knew this from a very young age, and his relatives thought he was a wizard.译文孔融,字文举,东汉时期山东曲阜人,是孔子的第二十世孙,高祖父孔尚当过钜鹿太守,父亲是泰山都尉孔宙 。














       As we all know,Confucius was a one of the greatest men in china .So his hometown Qufu is aiso famous all over the world.

       Qufu lies in the soustwest Shandong province .It served as the capital of the Spring and autunm period. So it has a long history.Qu-fu is not only famous for Confucius but also some historic place. The-re are too many ancient building,and they are worth visiting there years,too many people visiting Qufu,and it can develop the local econrmy.

       We should go to Qufu because it can help us know more and more about history and Confucianism.


       According to tradition, Confucius was born in 551 BC, in the Spring and Autumn Period, at the beginning of the Hundred Schools of Thought philosophical movement. Confucius was born in or near the city of Qufu, in the Chinese State of Lu (now part of Shandong Province).

       He was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Vietnamese thought and life.

       His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence in China over other doctrines, such as Legalism (法家) or Taoism (道家) during the Han Dynasty[2][3][4] (206 BC – 220 AD). Confucius' thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism (儒家). It was introduced to Europe by the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius."

       His teachings may be found in the Analects of Confucius (论语), a collection of "brief aphoristic fragments", which was compiled many years after his death. Modern historians do not believe that any specific documents can be said to have been written by Confucius,[5][6] but for nearly 2,000 years he was thought to be the editor or author of all the Five Classics[7][8] such as the Classic of Rites (editor), and the Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋) (author).


       Confucian school of thought is one of the classics, by the disciples of Confucius and his disciples compiled from longer. It quotations and dialogue-oriented style, recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, which embodies the political ideas of Confucius, ethical thinking, moral values and educational principles. "The Analects of Confucius," a total of 20. Simple and concise language of the Analects of Confucius, the meaning of deep, many of which are still the world of speech as to the rationale.


英语作文50个单词关于 孔子


       Confucius is a great thinker and educator of ancient China, his childhood and was raised by his mother.The importance of Confucius emphasizes the benevolence, responsibility and order, Confucius also start a school, teach his own philosophy, has trained many philosophers, made great contribution to society.Confucius' thought influenced China for over two thousand years, still continue to affect us.Confucius is the real celebrities in the world.Many countries set up Confucius institute to proclaim the Confucius' philosophy.

       Confuius's given name is Qiu, also styled Zhongni. He was born in QuFu, China, 551 B.C., and died in 479 B.C..

        Confucius founded confuciansism--the famous philosophical school in the history of China. The kernel of his thought is Ren(benevolence), its form of expression is Li(the Rites).

        Confucius travlled from one state to another preaching his doctrines until he was old. He spent his last years in compiling and editing. His works include Book of Spring and Autumn, Book of Odes, Book of History, Book of Rites, Book of Music and Book of change. These six books regarded as the classical works of Confucianism have been handed down to the present time. He founded the first private school in Chinese history. He was the teacher of 3,000 disciples among whom 72 were Sages. His major sayings were written down in Lun Yu (The Analects), one of the Four Books.

        Confucius lived in the late Spring and Autumn period(770-476 B.C). In his last years he lived in relative poverty and no longer enjoyed great fame. But after his death, his thought continued to influence the Chinese people for over 2,500 years. His doctrine on morality and ethics has had a great effect on their ideology, strenthening the unity of the nation and making it known to the world for its courteous dealing and solemn rites.

        Confucius said, "Let there be three men walking together: from the nmuber I should be sure to find my instructor." "To make accomplishment you must help others to be accomplished too." "Never be satiated with you knowledge and never be tired of teaching."... Today, these philosophical sayings are still shining brilliantly.

        In the long span of the Chinese history, the descendants of the Yellow Emperor have been righteously proud of the existence of the outstanding Confucius.
